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I am walking away,
but these streets ask me to stay.
The smell of the air, the tender love and care,
experiences I have had here are so rare.

I fell in love here, my heart swayed with joy,
But I have to go now. my heart was destroyed.
I see faded memories watch me walk by,
truthful moments and many lies.

The road knows me, the trees have seen me laugh,
the air pleads me to stay, my life is a downward graph.
I have to leave to pick up the bits of my life,
I may not live this life twice.

As the city fades like a distant memory,
I suddenly feel very happy.
I want to start over again,
I just need to know where to begin.

I am happy, I am scared too.
This is a new life I have to woo.
Let me do my best, let me go,
above this city and its bright lights, I have to soar!

I am leaving behind all the pain and hurt,
only taking with me the love I've got.
I say goodbye now to these streets I have tread,
to a good life they have led.


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