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Showing posts from September, 2012

Little Me

Do you look at the other person next to you and go, ' I wish I had a life like that. Travel the world, make friends, become rich without doing much..' Well I am a person who does that. And I think to myself why? What is wrong with my life? I have a good ok job. Well at least it helps pay the bills! My inner goddess wakes up and tilts her head, with a raised eyebrow and looks at me hard. Okay fine I need a better paying job. But I have great friends?! Again, my inner goddess looks at me and then acts as if she is not interested. Well, I have a few good friends, but what is wrong with that? At least I know I have friends and I can make a lot more. But I still compare my life to the ones whose lives look much more interesting. I figure, hey at least they don't go to sleep wondering what to do with their lives? Maybe they do and maybe they don't. But if a life that can give you a great body, an intelligent mind, and that makes you rich and famous with