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The girl with the black swimming cap

Hello! Yes, I am the girl with the black swimming cap. It summer and so I decided to join a pool. I joined a place which is somewhere near the beach. Its a nice pool, a little small though compared to the 50mts pool I used to go to. This pool has a mixed batch of men and women. I am not sure if I should even mention women because there are only two of us who come regularly and there is this other lady who comes once in a while.

You might wonder why should you read something about a swimming pool! Its the most boring thing. What could possibly happen there. But read on, I am sure you will find it interesting.

Now I would like to split the crowd in groups. First you have the kids. Yes, they can be a lot of fun to watch and all that, with the cute little faces in colorful swimming costumes. But just as you begin to swim they always seem to wriggle in your way. When we were younger our moms told us to be nice to the new kids in class or where ever. Here little ones (who are younger than ten usually) are quite cruel to new kids who join the pool . I saw these two young fellas making fun of another little girl with a name a little different from usual. Another time I saw these kids teasing couple of foreign children. Kids whose mother tongue is Telugu, talk to each other in Hindi as if it is a new fad! I mean come on, why not talk in your own language? Because its not 'cool' I guess.

The older kids (mostly adolescents) are spoiled to the core. They only talk to each other about what their rich fathers are buying them and how they convinced them to do so. I mean, whats with a 13 year old convincing his father to buy him an 85 grand LCD TV? Kids now a days hardly play out side, they never know how it is to scrape a knee climbing a tree, or how to even play hop scotch!

The kids in pool are only 1/3 of the population. The remaining are the men. There are the Mischievous Dads, who on the pretense of teaching their kids how to swim, come and rub themselves against the only two women in the pool. It is even more annoying when they turn to you and don't even utter a sorry. Why they do this, I do not know. But what ever it is I hope their wives are watching.

The other kind are the Flirts. These men comprise of generally younger looking men (maybe they are really young, but I can never tell). They are the kinds who would come and stand next to you. And if by chance you look at them with your water-soaked-swimming-goggles-worn-face they smile at you. But the thing they don't know is that after a couple of laps the swimming goggles get real foggy, restricting clear vision. Hence the smile goes unnoticed.

There are yet those who I would like to call the Dudes of the Pool. These are men who are all beefed up and come to learn swimming. Its the last thing you want to see, believe me. Its one thing that men with bulging muscles come and swim next to you, but its another when you see them swim with a rubber tube around them like babies.

The last and yet the worst are the Leeches. These men are big-bellied-hairy-bodied-oglers who for some reason swim right next to the women or right at them, and then hang on to the wall at the deep side of the pool. When you are doing the breast stroke with your swimming goggles on you can see the lower end of their bodies lining the deep side of the pool wall. So if you are a women, you better know how to turn around when you get to the deep side, or you would just have to lay a hand on one of them leeches.

What ever the category, 'men love meat' is not a theory but a reality. Oh don't get me wrong, women do too, but men make it so obvious. This is why most women get put off. If a man wants a woman to take notice of them they should do it with finesse! Especially at the pool. Maybe they should take classes from Mr. Loner. A guy with a great body, and swimming skills that can make a woman drool (an expression...don't really drool in the pool). He pretends he is not interested in you, but when you look closely with your water-fogged-swimming-goggles-worn-face you know he steals a few glances now and again.

Oh well, I guess that is why the swimming pool is so interesting. I sure hope the men can take pointers from my observation and just be bold enough to strike a conversation with a woman, without coming on too strong. I mean lets face it, women population is decreasing day by day! So a little advice from us wont hurt, eh?

Okay then, I have to hop into my swim suit and get ready for the pool. That is all for now from the girl with the black swimming cap.

by,Teja Priyadarshini


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