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There are so many things I want to write about. But sometimes I don't find the words to write about what I feel. Sometimes I wonder if I do feel. No, its not a negative thing. And its not depression. Its just a phase of

Its a phase when you think of the most irrelevant things like, why is the bald guy actually bald or how can I walk through a wall, or is there a place on earth where one can float, etc. Sometimes they don't make any sense at all. Sometimes it like the only place in your mind you want to be in.

I have heard that men have this place more than women do. They are capable of not thinking. They can just sit and stare into oblivion and not have a single thought in their minds. I wonder why women cannot do this. Is it because we are more intelligent and hence have more thoughts? Or is it because Men have lesser things to worry about? I may not be right to make such assumptions. But I am entitled to my opinion, ain't I?

Taking about opinions, everybody's got one. I mean your folk's have got one, your friends, your co-workers, your boss, even your maid seems to have one. The funny part is that, the opinions are all about you. How you should do this and that. Its never about themselves. Its always about you. You see, people feel a great need to express themselves through opinions. Not that they wont do the exact same thing that they are giving you an opinion about. But they, for a brief moment, forget their mundane existence and feel like they have to tell you how wrong you are, so that they can feel better about themselves. And worst of all since opinions don't cost at all, they give them to you in abundance.

Speaking of costs, have you seen how everything has changed, because a bunch of people who were meant to take care of the world's economy, realized that they were not good at it? I mean even companies that make a lot of money (enough to run the world) behave like they are poppers. I mean its not their fault. Mankind was built in a way that says, if you have something which everybody needs, keep it hidden. Sharing is unheard of. Ok well. We do share, but its because if we don't then when we need something we may not get it later on. So you see its all nothing but a game. A game of deceit.

Anyway, the sense of hiding gives me a lot to think about. All of us have something we want to hide from the world. Ok, so not all of us are psychopaths. But we all hide from ourselves most of the time. We want to have secrets we can dwell on in the recesses of our minds. Its natural. We do not understand a lot of things about our existence or of who we really are. Hence a secret can be very enticing, it almost makes our mundane life very interesting in our heads.

But when we really look at all of this, its nothing. Its not important. Its not life changing. Its not going to make your day any better. Because its Nothingness. We all live in it, we breath in it, we die in it. There is so much more of Everything that we cannot see, feel or even sense. We never get there. We cannot get there. We want to get there, but we always find an excuse. Nothingness is all consuming. Nothingness is always more tempting. Nothingness is what it is. And to Nothingness we return.

by, Teja Priyadarshini


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